Thursday, April 30, 2015

Love Feather

Why can't I be the man 
Who holds your dreams?
Who knows your heart? 
You pushed me away
You shut me out 
Our quarrels were brief 
Our time was sweet 
Now all that remains are 2 lovers 
Lost in heat 
Dreaming of what we used to have 
Of the torch we both carried 
For one another
Now our love tosses in the wind 
Like a feather.

Drunk in Love

Falling through the tare
Of what we swore we'd never sever
Left combing through empty promises
In the middle of December
Trying to remember
What it feels like
To be intoxicated by your touch.


Drumming along to the ancient song
Painting images
On the throng of something great
Trying not to negate
The all too familiar feeling of destiny, of fate
Picking flower petals apart
Piecing them together in a tapestry of art
Watching a rainbow appear in the sky
Watching myself disintegrate into the prism.

Universal Love

Thinking about how things should have been
Wanting more, more and more
Feeling hollow inside
Like a gourd
Dreaming to escape the aching pain
Of the memory of you
Counting to three
Wanting to be set free
From this emptiness inside
Running into the night
Wishing I can outrun the light
Falling into the ambiguity
Of wanting something without needing
Swallowing rhythms and rhymes
Standing at the paradigm
Looking for a sign
That my love is in the sky.

The Beast

Running from the beast inside
Wanting to fly away & hide
From the monster lurking deep inside
Panting, clawing, burning from the inside
Needing to release the darkness that resides.

Fairy Dream

I dreampt of you again last night
The expression on your face was so adorable
As we were running, swinging  in the sun
You held me in your arms
I held you in mine
You brought a picnic basket
A bottle of cold duck wine
Your body glistened in the sun
As we rolled in emerald blades of grass
You grabbed my hand
Asked to spend the rest of my life with you
You talked about the future
You talked about having kids
A white picket fence
Somewhere in the suburbs
All I could do was smile & be happy.

The Unknown

Blowing out the blocks
Breaking down every wall
Scrambling to the checkout line
Wanting to spend the rest of my life
In love

Walking a fine line
Between debauchery and the divine
Looking for a sign of wonder
Before I embark on a whim, a blunder
The sound of thunder
Resounds in the tundra.